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[CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W |
What's new in [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W?
- Refined, evolved UI
- Home screen folders and favorites tray
- Resizable widgets
- New lock screen actions
- Quick responses for incoming calls
- Swipe to dismiss notifications, tasks, and browser tabs
- Improved text input and spell-checking
- Control over network data
- Powerful voice input engine
- People and profiles
- Rich and versatile camera capabilities
- Redesigned Gallery app with photo editor
- Sharing with screenshots
- Face Unlock
Unfortunately, Samsung doesn't want to make an ICS update for Galaxy W. They much concern on the newest devices like Samsung Galaxy ace duos and Galaxy S Advance. But don't feel sad because other people has successfully made [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W. They are CyanogenMod 9 (CM9) developed by Arco from XDA Developer.
[CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W is an aftermarket firmware for galaxy w based on the open-source Android operating system. [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W offers features not found in the official Android based firmwares of vendors of galaxy w.
Instruction of [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W Installation:
Before you install [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W:
(First three are optional. If you want to start fresh, these can be skipped)
- Install AppBak from Market, run it and save a list of all your apps.
- Install SMS Backup and Restore from Market, run it and backup your SMS history.
- Install Call Logs Backup and Restore from Market, run it and backup your call log history.
- Boot into CWM5/CWM6 recovery. Make a full backup. You will need this backup later if you decide to go back to your previous ROM and data.
- WARNING: Many apps will Force Close crash if you restore data from a previous ROM.
Install [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W
- Use CWM5 or CWM6. Warning: Only use this recovery to flash [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W. Otherwise, you risk bricking your phone!
- Turn Off Galaxy W and go to recovery mode by pressing power + home + volume up
- Wipe data and cache.
- Flash CM9....zip.
- Flash gapps version 20120429.zip. You must flash gapps after every update to [CM9 Final Release] ICS since /system is formatted, wiping your previous add-ons.
- Reboot galaxy w.
- After you setup your Google account, reinstall the three apps from Market in order to restore most of your apps, call log and SMS history.
Do not restore backup data of system apps!
If you restore a bad backup with cached settings in telephony.db in data/data/com.*.*.telephony it can break MMS. It seems that restoring backups can also break Calendar sync.
- Install Spirit FM (Optional)
1)Install the SpiritFM app
2)goto Settings->Regional Band->Your country's band
3)goto Settings->Audio->Method->"qdsp5v2 Altern". Custom ROMs use Audio->Method = "qdsp5v2 Altern".
4)Enter your Station number and enjoy the music.
Upgrades from previous versions of CM9 are the same process as install, except you do not need to wipe anything. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to even wipe cache and dalvik-cache when upgrading between CM9 versions. You only need to wipe if you are doing a major upgrade, switching to a different ROM entirely, or attempting to fix bugs caused by bad backups or corrupt app data.
2013-06-06: [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W
- Fixed issue with bluetooth not reconnecting to devices if it was on during reboot
- Disabled unsupported functions on front camera
- Reverted a bionic optimization that apparently causes issues on scorpion chips
- Kernel 3.0.80
- Fixed "pop" sound on shutdown and entering PIN (credits CastagnaIT)
- Kernel 3.0.77
- Updated CM logo in boot splash
- Fixed lockscreen weather due to API changes from Yahoo
- Enabled NTFS read support in kernel
- Support for OTG webcam
- Kernel 3.0.73
- New wifi driver
- Support for PPPoE in kernel
- Support for USB fast charging (needs 3rd party app to enable) (credits ivendor)
- Support for OTG (needs external powered hub) (credits ivendor)
- MMS auto-retrieval
- Fixed non-working options for purging of asset bitmaps and dithering method
- Fixed issues with OpenVPN and TUN
- Thumbnail generation now uses HW (faster)
- Fixed issue with no pin unlock screen after reboot
- Updated BFQ scheduler
- Backported I/O scheduler settings from jelly bean
- Camera now uses system heap memory = a bit more free memory for kernel
- Various other small rom and kernel fixes
- Fixed snapshot issue with front camera
- Fixed no sound in VoIP issue
- Added and enabled ROW I/O scheduler
- Switched to 3.0 kernel (Yes camera works, front and back!)
- Added Sound Recorder
- Fix preview frame rate for front camera
- Some RIL fixes
- Updated file manager
- Updated terminal emulator
- Fix camera preview frame rate
- Some other small changes (device permissions, liblights debugging, init script)
- Fixed loosing wifi connection during sleep
- Build against optimized libv8
- Enable tile rendering
- Update media_profiles
- Update kernel
Download [CM9 Final Release] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC9] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC8] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC7] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC6] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC5] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC4] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC3] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC2] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC9] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC8] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC7] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC6] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC5] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC4] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC3] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
Download [CM9 RC2] ICS Update For Galaxy W.zip
hallo mas adi, kalo saya mau minta di upgradein bisa ga? saya tinggal di bali juga. mau upgrade sendiri, takut ada salah proses, hpnya malah error.. kl mas adi bisa, boleh minta contactnya? atau email saya di liaaliooo@gmail.com atau line: Liaaliooo. thanks :)
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anda tinggal dimana?
ReplyDeletemas, kalo gitu saya juga mau donk di upgrade'in, saya bayar deh, saya di denpasar
ReplyDeletebisa minta tolong di upgrade'in kah? :(
ReplyDeletesaya kasi instruksinya lewat fb, what's app, dll aja biar jelas dan gampang.
Deletehye bro... i'm malaysian... i have done first step.. now i'm in cyanogen mod display.. how long i must wait till it log in normaly???
ReplyDeleteplease email me the helping answer...
email : wasabi5363@gmail.com
one more thing..
ReplyDeleterc5 i cant download it... please help..
the instruction and guidance have been sent to your email address. Please have a check. thanks.
ReplyDeletehallo mas adi, sya mau tanya,klo langsung install cm9 final aja bisa gk ato mw dari yg beta3 dulu... thx ^^
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous: Install yg cm9 final aja langsung ya + gapps. jgn lupa format hpnya dulu biar ga crash sama rom sebelumnya. Thanks for the visit.
ReplyDeletebro aku x berapa nk phm la .. tlong emailkan kt syamsuliqbal@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteEmail sudah dikirim. Harap dicek. Thanks.
DeleteAku nak email jugak, tlong tunjuk ajar.. auddin15@yahoo.com.my
ReplyDeleteinstruksi sudah dikirimkan ke email. silahkan dicek. thanks.
DeleteMas punya saya pake ICS yang versi 4.1.2 nah saya kan upgrade langsung,yang saya bingung kenapa semua backup data saya yang sudah saya simpan ga bisa di restore lagi? Mohon penjelasan nya . Ferry.pratama88@gmail.com
ReplyDeletemohon maaf sebelumnya ICS versinya 4.0.4 kalo yg 4.1.2 itu yang jelly bean. nah masalah backup, ferry naruhnya dimana? kalau di internal sd kemungkinan backupnya hilang karna diformat saat diinstall. kalau backupnya di versi GB tidak akan bisa digunakan di versi ICS. begitu juga kalau backupnya di ICS tidak bisa digunakan di JB. Mohon diperjelas menceritakan kesulitannya. trims.
DeleteMas Adi, saya ud install ICS versi Final Releasenya...tapi ga bs download dr market mas untuk balikin APPBAK dan dua apliasi lainnya. Hanya downloading saja...setelah agak lama "APPBAK could not be downloaded due to an error (403). Smua aplikasi di market begitu Mas. Saya ud coba ambil ROM yg kernel 3.0.88 masi sama juga, Mohon pencerahannya dan terima kasih.
ReplyDelete1. apa waktu sebelum install CM9 Finalnya sudah dilakukan format data, cache, dan dalvik?
Delete2. apakah gapps yang didownload sudah untuk yang android 4.0.4 (ICS)? coba download ulang gapps nya disini http://goo.im/gapps pilih yang versi 4.0.3-4.
3. apakah setelah install CM9 Final dapat melakukan patch ke aplikasi APPBAK dengan Lucky Patcher? kalau pernah, maka setelah agan menguninstall APPBAK tanpa merestore patch tersebut terlebih dahulu di Lucky Patcher, agan tidak akan bisa menginstall APPBAK lagi.
4. coba install cm9 versi sebelumnya apakah masalahnya masih sama?
mas bro mohon pencerahan, kalo abis flasrom ke cm 9 final release bermasalah ama wifinya gak bsa dan external sdnya gak kedetek gmn troubleshootnya mas. sekian terima kasih.
ReplyDelete1. apakah sebelum install CM9 Final Release wifi ma external sdnya berfungsi dengan baik di ROM yang lain?
Delete2. Apakah sebelum install CM 9 Final Release agan sudah melakukan format data, cache, dan dalvik?
3. coba install CM9 versi sebelumnya apakah masalahnya masih sama?
Halo Mas Adi, link download CM9 Final Releasenya kok rusak ya? Apa Mas punya link mirrornya?
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya link CM 9 Finalnya gak rusak. Kalau ga bisa download mungkin browser yang dipakai ada masalah. coba pakai browser lain atau coba link ini https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6zwjGaKK0GVZUZSa0JxQVJxLTg/edit
DeleteSemoga berhasil. makasi kunjungannya. Coba juga CM 10.1, CM10.2.
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