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[4.2.2] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W |
[JDQ39E] [4.2.2] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
What's working:
- Audio
- Receiving and making calls
- Compass
- Proximity sensor
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- USB mass storage
- HW accelerated gui
- HW accelerated video
- Camera
- Torch
- Wifi/USB tethering
- Vsync
- Movie Studio is unstable and can crash or freeze phone
(First three are optional. If you want to start fresh, these can be skipped)
- Install AppBak from Market, run it and save a list of all your apps.
- Install SMS Backup and Restore from Market, run it and backup your SMS history.
- Install Call Logs Backup and Restore from Market, run it and backup your call log history.
- Boot into CWM6 recovery. Make a full backup. You will need this backup later if you decide to go back to your previous ROM and data.
- WARNING: Many apps will Force Close crash if you restore data from a previous ROM.
- Boot into recovery mode. Only use CWM6 to flash CM10. Otherwise, you risk bricking your phone! Turn Off the phone and press power + home + volume up.
- Wipe data and cache.
- Flash CM10.......zip.
- Flash gapps version ........ zip and gapps picasa add-on ......zip. You must flash gapps after every upgrade to CM10 since /system is formatted, wiping your previous add-ons.
- Reboot phone.
- After you setup your Google account, reinstall the three apps from Market in order to restore most of your apps, call log and SMS history.
- Warning: Do not restore backup data of system apps!
- If you restore a bad backup with cached settings in telephony.db in data/data/com.*.*.telephony it can break MMS.
- It seems that restoring backups can also break Calendar sync.
[JDQ39E] [4.2.2 ] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
2013-12-24: CM-10.1 [4.2.2] [Beta 2] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
- Hybrid ION/PMEM (credits to ADC-Team for their work)
- Updated Adreno drivers
- Brand new kernel based on CAF jb_2.5 branch
- Kernel 3.4.75
2013-10-10: CM-10.1 [4.2.2] [Beta 1] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
- Workaround for white screen issue (thanks to Keff91 for the idea)
- Kernel 3.4.65
- CM Account
- Synced with CM 10.1.3
- Kernel 3.4.62
- Reverted patch causing battery drain (causes random white screen though)
- Enable volume rocker and home button wake
- Synced with CM (security fixes etc.)
- Kernel 3.4.57
- Disabled unsupported functions on front camera
- Switched back to kernel 3.0 in order to get feedback on battery usage compared to 3.4 kernel
- Kernel 3.0.81
- Fixed WEP connection
- Fixed bluetooth MAC address during boot
- Kernel 3.4.47
- Fixed wifi tethering
- Fixed bluetooth file transfer issue
- Fixed "pop" sound on shutdown and entering PIN (credits CastagnaIT)
- Kernel 3.4.44
- Fixed issue with certain games
- Added fix for thumbnail size growing out of control
- Fix for gps icon not going away
- Kernel 3.4.43
Upgrades from previous versions of CM10 are the same process as install, except you do not need to wipe anything. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to even wipe cache and dalvik-cache when upgrading between CM10 versions. You only need to wipe if you are doing a major upgrade, switching to a different ROM entirely, or attempting to fix bugs caused by bad backups or corrupt app data.
[JDQ39E] [4.2.2] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Beta 2] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Beta 1] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 9] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 8] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Beta 2] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Beta 1] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 9] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 8] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 7] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 6] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 5] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2 Alpha 4] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 6] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2] [Alpha 5] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
Download [4.2.2 Alpha 4] Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy W
kira kira berapa bulan lagi final versionnya keluar ya??
ReplyDeleteUntuk yang JB 4.1.2 udah final silahkan download di link diatas tpi buat JB yg terbaru 4.2.2 masih alpha 7 tpi sudah bisa dipakai untuk sehari-hari. semua aplikasi bisa dibuka. saya pakai JB 4.2.2 saat ini. Thanks
Deleteawesome dude
ReplyDeleteMau nanya Gan :
ReplyDelete1. Back up data harus di PC ato bisa di micro sd?
2. Harus download alpha 1 sampe 7 ato gmna gan??
3.Bisa dikirimin manual bhs. Indonesia??
sorry bru bsa bls gan karna liburan ga sempet buka blog.
ReplyDelete1. sebaiknya dibackup ke pc karna memory sd akan diformat keduanya, internal ma eksternal biar bersih dri sisa2 program sebelumnya (clean install)
2. download versi terbarunya aja gan + download gapps jb
3. udah ta kirim tolong dicek.
external powered hub is wat bro??
ReplyDeleteTo Vince Carter: a self-powered hub is one that takes its power from an external power supply unit and can therefore provide full power (up to 500 mA) to every port.
ReplyDeletesalam gan,,
ReplyDeletesy masi baru pake galaw ni gan,
pingin upgrade ke yang baru (jb/sb) tapi masih takut kalo salah..
mohon pencerahannya ya gan...
minta tolong kirimin langkah2nya yang enak ya gan..
Instruksinya sudah dikirim gan. tolong di cek. thanks.
ReplyDeleteSalam gan
ReplyDeletesaya pengguna Galaxy W sudah ckup lama, saya iri dgn tman saya yg sudah versi JB,=
tolong pncerahannya serta intruksinya supaya tidak tradi ksalahan gan
kasih step yg mudah ya
To rezadwiirawan@ymail.com
ReplyDeleteInstruksinya sudah dikirim gan. tolong di cek. thanks.
Makasih gan
ReplyDeleteGan, maaf
ReplyDeleteIni sisi negative nya apa aja?
Tambah lemot, atau ad aplikasi yg tidak bisa dbuka gtu?
To Anonymous: Semua aplikasi bsa dibuka. JB lebih cpat dan smooth dripda ICS. Saya pakai yg cm10.1 sehari-hari tanpa masalah yang serius. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteMas adi, linknya ga bisa :( setelah nunggu 10 detik, reload ke page yg sama mulu.
ReplyDeleteyg mana yg ga bsa? saya coba link semua bisa kok. coba pake browser yg lain ato komputer lain. thanks
DeleteYang 10.1 alpha 7. Setelah di klik, kan ke adfly dl,trs ke goo.im,nah di goo.imnya itu setelah nunggu 10sec, bukannya langsung download, tp terus reload, nunggu 10sec lg, terus spt itu. Utk gapps & picasanya juga :(
Deletemungkin ada masalah sma flash player ato java browsernya. Coba pke install idm pke download. ato coba links ini
Sudah bisa mas, ternyata browsernya kayaknya yg bermasalah, download dr laptop (mozilla & chrome) ga bs, dr browser hp juga ga bs (chrome,browser bawaan samsung n mozilla), bisanya malah lewat opera mini. Thanks updatenya ya, sekarang udah pake 4.2.2. Maju terus blognya ��
Deletethanks. follow my blog ya.
Deletekagak ngerti bahasanya, ada yg versi indo g? yg lebih gampang untuk difahami dan apa aja yg perlu diperhatikan
ReplyDeletebahasanya bisa diubah ke Indonesian gan. Klik kolom translate diatas post lalu pilih Indonesian. Harap membantu. Thanks kunjungannya.
DeleteGan ko udah smua intruksi nya saya ikuti ko saya tunggu smpai brjam2 abis di reboot ga muncul ke gmail ??? :( :(
ReplyDeleteMohon bantuannya gan :(
Kejadian seperti ini besar kemungkinannya karena:
Delete1. belum menginstall clockworkmod recovery
2. tidak melakukan format data, format cache, dan format dalvik (bisa ditemukan di menu advance di clockworkmod recovery.
Coba agan cek dulu kedua hal ini. semoga membantu. thanks.